Thursday, November 03, 2005

017 Hornet

I wanted to try a new kit manufacturer offered by Discount Rocketry. They carry a great selection of Custom rockets. Estes and Quest rocket kits that I have built are great and I am not taking anything away from either of them. I am just looking to try something new and Custom "Raven" kit fit the bill perfectly.

I was drawn to this line because of the price and the water slide decals which when properly applied look much better than self-stick decals. All of the parts look pretty much the same except the nosecone which had a small indention on it. All of the instructions and illustrations were very good and the kit went together easily. I decided to change the paint scheme to look more like a hornet because I have lot of white rockets in the fleet.

Manufacturer - Custom
Stages - 1
Weight - .94 oz.
Length - 15.5 in.
Diameter - .976 in.
Fin Material - Balsa
Recovery - 12 in. Parachute
Current Status - Active